Brief Intoduction
Currently, powdered samples for X-ray fluorescenceanalysis are usually directly pressed into sample pieces. But that kind ofsampling has become a major error factor impacting the precision and accuracyof the element analysis due to the granularity effect, mineral effect andsegregation effect of the sample pieces. The bead fusion method can eliminatethe granularity, mineral and segregation effects of the samples, and can reducethe absorption and enhancement effects between the elements in the sample, andhence evidently increase the precision and accuracy of the analysis. This beadfusion method is a perfect sampling method for ICP, AA, as well as forindissolvable samples in wet chemical analysis.
For many years, the fusion machine used in Chinawere all imported from abroad at very high price. To fill up that gap in Chinesescience and technology, the research and development personnel in our companydeveloped the DY501 Electroheat Fusion Machine in the year 2002. This fusionmachine absorbed the advantages of all the fusion machine of the same kind inthe international markets, with key properties up to or even better than thoseof the overseas products. With its excellent performance and reasonable price,it will take the place of the imported products and can be affordable for theusers which are currently not using fusion units just because of economicreasons. The popularization of the DY501 Electroheat Fusion Machine willrapidly promote the bead fusion method in China and hence improve the samplingquality of the element analysis, which can bring tremendous economic benefitfor every industry or trade.
Technical Specifications
Heating unit: 3 pieces of double helix ,single-end,silicon carbide rod
Maximum Temperature: 1250℃,continuouslyadjustable
Temperature measurement unit: 2 pieces ofplatinum-rhodium thermocouple, with maximum measurable temperature 1600℃
Capacity: 4 samples simultaneously (maximum 6samples if required by user)
Wattage: 6kw
Power supply: 380-415V,50-60Hz,threephase
Dimension(Height ×Width × Depth):500mm×1217mm×500mm
Weight: 115kg
◆Applies CPU microprocessor and PID controltechnique, large screen Chinese display, and menu operation
◆Heating with double helix silicon carbiderod; temperature measured with platinum-rhodium thermocouple
◆Up to 4 samples can be fusedsimultaneously (maximum 6 samples if required by user)
◆Up to 10 customized heating programs canbe preset; within the programs, the heating process, the temperature increasespeed, the final temperature, the shaking time, shaking amplitude, and shakingspeed of the crucible stool, the cooling time, whether to use fans, the airflow, and so on, all can be preset.
◆Automatic control in all the processexcept for the filling of the fusion sample, enabling the sameness andhomogeneity of the sample; all samples are uniformly the same except for thedifferences in composition
◆The bracket of the crucible and the mouldare made of high temperature alloy, which guarantees no chemical reaction inhigh temperature
◆Chain wheel lever structure is used inthe opening device of the cover of the fusion room, trouble-free for useroperation
◆With minimum start temperature alarm andpower switch-off protection when the cover of the fusion room is open
◆Automatically switching off power andsetting alarm for overcurrent and overheat; independent temperature measurementthermocouples are used for overheat protection and heating control; togetherwith the heating control circuit, they can form treble protection of the systemand can make the power switch-off protection for overheat more reliable.