JSR1113粘度計自動檢定裝置 一、符合GB/T265和JJG155標準 二、主要技術參數: 水浴介質:蒸餾水 控溫方式:壓縮機制冷+溫控器PID控溫 控溫范圍:10℃~40℃ 測溫方式:高精度鉑電阻測溫 控溫精度:±0.01℃ 功 率:2000W 工作電源:AC220V±10% 50HZ 主機尺寸:570×500×600=長×寬×高(mm) 冷浴尺寸:260×380×440=長×寬×高(mm) 三、性能及特點: 1、本儀器采用進口高精密控溫表PID溫度控制,其溫度穩定,使用壽命長; 2、儀器采用進口高精度鉑電阻測溫,采用高精密度的溫度數顯儀對試樣采溫,精確可達0.01℃。 3、儀器采用電腦全程操作控制,人性化設計使儀器具備操作簡單方便,易學易會易保養的特點。簡單,有詳細的幫助文檔,便于操作使用。 4、使用低噪聲真空泵裝置進行抽油,同時采用可調水平的毛細管夾具,毛細管夾取方便快捷可靠。其抽油裝置上直接使用軟件連接粘度計,操作簡單,抽油更方便。 5、本軟件可以對毛細管進行標定,也可以使用已經進過標定的毛細管對油樣進行粘度測試。同時,測試的原始數據可以導出EXCEL文檔來進行電子存檔。減少打印耗材。如果進行毛細管的標定測試,還可以根據測試,導出相對應的檢定證書。 6、本儀器可以同時進行6只毛細管的測試。測試時,可以采用手動,和自動兩種方式進行測試和標定,適用性更強。 7、采用現代高清的數字圖像采集卡系統對6路攝像頭進行實時采集,并用于測量,實現了自動識別毛細管上的上下刻度,并用于圖像識別控制,減少了針對大量毛細管標定時帶來的工作量。 8、儀器有可以打開觀察窗的手柄,打開觀察窗后,放平面板,可以針對毛細管的垂直度進行調整。方便快捷。 JSR1113 viscometer automatic calibration device I. It conforms to GB/T265 and JJG155 standards Ii. Main Technical parameters: Water bath medium: distilled water Temperature control: compressor refrigeration + temperature controller PID temperature control Temperature control range: 10℃~40℃ Temperature measurement: high precision platinum resistance temperature measurement Temperature control accuracy: ±0.01℃ Power: 2000 w Power supply: AC220V±10% 50HZ Host size: 570×500×600= Length × width × height (mm) Cold bath size: 260×380×440= Length × width × height (mm) Iii. Performance and Characteristics: 1, the instrument adopts imported high precision temperature control table PID temperature control, its temperature stability, long service life; 2. The instrument adopts imported high-precision platinum resistance to measure the temperature, and adopts high-precision temperature digital display instrument to collect the temperature of the sample with an accuracy up to 0.01℃. 3. The instrument is controlled by computer in the whole process. The humanized design makes the instrument easy to operate and maintain. Simple, with detailed help documents, easy to operate and use. 4. Low noise vacuum pump device is used for oil extraction, and adjustable horizontal capillary clamp is adopted for convenient and reliable capillary clamp. The software connected viscometer is directly used on the oil pumping device, which is easy to operate and more convenient to pump oil. 5. This software can be used to calibrate the capillary, or to test the viscosity of the oil sample with the calibrated capillary. At the same time, raw test data can be exported to EXCEL documents for electronic archiving. Reduce printing consumables. If the capillary calibration test is carried out, the corresponding verification certificate can be derived according to the test. 6. This instrument can test 6 capillary tubes at the same time. When testing, manual and automatic methods can be used for testing and calibration, which is more applicable. 7. Adopt the modern hd digital image acquisition card system to collect the 6 cameras in real time and use them for measurement, realize the automatic recognition of the upper and lower scales on the capillary, and use them for image recognition control, reduce the workload brought by a large number of capillary calibration. 8. The instrument has a handle that can open the observation window. After opening the observation window, a plane plate can be placed to adjust the perpendicularity of the capillary. Easy and fast. |