国产老头老太作爱视频,中文字幕精品久久久久人妻 ,人妻女友娇妻沉沦系列,小SAO货水好多真紧H




  • 公司名稱永嘉縣航騰閥門制造廠
  • 品       牌
  • 型       號D343H-16C
  • 所  在  地溫州市
  • 廠商性質生產廠家
  • 更新時間2022/7/16 12:56:18
  • 訪問次數182
在線詢價收藏產品 點擊查看電話





Yongjia hangteng valve manufacturing factory located in Zhejiang Airliness Teng Ou Yongjia County Industrial Park,is the national Trade andIndustry Bureau,set valve research and development,design,production,sales as one of the specialized business!Has a professional technical of high quality valves to provide a powerful guarantee!

Our"customer first,forge ahead"business philosophy"first,customer first"piinciple of provoding our customers with quality products and services.Our factory specializes in metal seal butterfy valve is widely used in metallrgical,chemlcal,waterbuilding matericals,gas,light industry,food,pharaceutical ,paper,printing and dyeing,sewage treatment,municipal construction and other industeies!

Our sales network in various cities around the country!Enterprise has always been implementing the"pople-oriented,technology-leading"business purpose,adhering to the"everything for the customer satisfaction"business philosohy to"availabllity,credibility,reliability,"three of the goal,to create first-class brands,at a reasonable price.perfect sale,sale,service to meet the needs of customers,welcome new and customers work toghter to create brilliant

產品名稱:蝸輪傳動法蘭式多層次金屬硬密封蝶閥 產品型號:D343H-16C 所屬系列:硬密封蝶閥 產品材質:碳鋼、不銹鋼
蝸輪蝶閥 產品信息
■     蝸輪傳動法蘭式多層次金屬硬密封蝶閥
■     主要外形和連接尺寸
■     Dd343H 6/10 (C、I、P、R)
公稱通徑 DN 結構長度 (標準值) 外形尺寸(參考值) 法蘭尺寸和螺栓孔尺寸(標準值) 參考 重量
PN0.6MPa PN1.0MPa
毫米 mm 英寸 mm L H H1 A1 B1 D D1 Z-d D D1 Z-d (Kg)
50 2 108 150 112 350 180 200 140 110 4-14 165 125 4-18 17
65 21/2 112 170 115 370 180 200 160 130 4-14 185 145 4-18 20
80 3 114 180 120 380 180 200 190 150 4-18 200 160 8-18 23
100 4 127 190 138 420 180 200 210 170 4-18 220 180 8-18 25
125 5 140 200 164 460 180 200 240 200 8-18 250 210 8-18 40
150 6 140 210 175 555 270 280 265 225 8-18 285 240 8-22 47
200 8 152 230 200 760 400 425 320 280 8-18 340 295 8-22 60
250 10 165 250 243 830 400 425 375 335 12-18 395 395 12-22 95
300 12 178 270 250 895 450 560 400 395 12-22 445 400 12-22 124
350 14 190 290 280 950 450 560 490 445 12-22 505 460 16-22 181
400 16 216 310 305 1190 535 580 540 495 16-22 565 515 16-26 260
450 18 222 330 350 1255 535 580 595 550 16-22 615 565 20-26 338
500 20 229 350 380 1305 535 580 645 600 20-22 670 620 20-26 360
600 24 267 390 445 1340 570 660 755 705 20-26 780 725 20-30 540
700 28 292 430 480 1520 750 550 860 810 24-26 895 840 24-30 580
800 32 318 470 530 1710 750 550 975 920 24-30 1015 950 24-33 845
900 36 330 510 580 1810 750 550 1075 1020 24-30 1115 1050 28-33 1050
1000 40 410 550 650 1960 900 750 1175 1120 28-30 1230 1160 28-36 1500
1200 48 470 630 760 2250 1000 925 1405 1340 32-33 1455 1380 32-39 2000
1400 56 530 710 850 2435 1000 925 1630 1560 36-36 1675 1590 36-42 3000
1600 64 600 790 1030 2780 1000 925 1830 1760 40-36 1915 1820 40-48 4700
1800 72 670 870 1230 3020 1100 980 2045 1970 44-39 2115 2020 44-48 6500
2000 80 760 950 1350 3270 1100 980 2260 2180 48-42 2325 2230 48-48 8700
■     主要外形和連接尺寸
■     Dd343H 16/25 (C、I、P、R)
公稱通徑 DN 結構長度 (標準值) 外形尺寸(參考值) 法蘭尺寸和螺栓孔尺寸(標準值) 參考 重量
PN1.6MPa PN2.5MPa
毫米 mm 英寸 inch L H H1 A1 B1 D D1 Z-d D D1 Z-d (Kg)
50 2 108 150 112 350 180 200 165 125 4-18 165 125 4-18 19
65 21/2 112 170 115 370 180 200 185 145 4-18 185 145 8-18 22
80 3 114 180 120 380 180 200 200 160 8-18 200 160 8-18 25
100 4 127 190 138 420 180 200 220 180 8-18 235 190 8-22 28
125 5 140 200 164 460 180 200 250 210 8-18 270 220 8-26 43
150 6 140 210 175 555 270 280 285 240 8-22 300 250 8-26 50
200 8 152 230 200 760 400 425 340 295 12-22 360 310 12-26 64
250 10 165 250 243 830 400 425 405 355 12-26 425 370 12-30 99
300 12 178 270 250 895 450 560 460 410 12-26 485 430 16-30 130
350 14 190 290 280 950 450 560 520 470 16-26 555 490 16-33 188
400 16 216 310 305 1190 535 580 580 525 16-30 620 550 16-36 270
450 18 222 330 350 1255 535 580 640 585 20-30 670 600 20-36 350
500 20 229 350 380 1305 535 580 715 650 20-33 730 660 20-36 375
600 24 267 390 445 1340 570 660 840 770 20-36 845 770 20-39 560
700 28 292 430 480 1520 750 550 910 840 24-36 960 875 24-42 610
800 32 318 470 530 1710 750 550 1025 950 24-39 1085 990 28-48 880
900 36 330 510 580 1810 750 550 1125 1050 28-39 1185 1090 28-48 1100
1000 40 410 550 650 1960 900 750 1255 1170 28-42 1320 1210 28-56 1600
1200 48 470 630 760 2250 1000 925 1485 1390 32-48 1530 1420 32-56 2150
1400 56 530 710 850 2435 1000 925 1685 1590 36-48 1755 1640 36-62 3200
1600 64 600 790 1030 2780 1000 925 1930 1820 40-56 1975 1860 40-62 5000
1800 72 670 870 1230 3020 1100 980 2130 2020 44-56 2195 2070 44-70 6900
2000 80 760 950 1350 3270 1100 980 2345 2230 48-56 2425 2300 48-70 9100
■     主要外形和連接尺寸
■     Dd343H -40 (C、I、P、R)系列法蘭式多層金屬硬密封碟閥
公稱通徑 DN 結構長度 (標準值) 外形尺寸(參考值) 法蘭尺寸和螺栓孔尺寸(標準值)
毫米 mm 英寸 inch L H H1 A1 B1 D D1 Z-d
50 2 108 150 112 350 180 200 165 125 4-18
65 21/2 112 170 115 370 270 280 185 145 8-18
80 3 114 180 120 380 270 280 200 160 8-18
100 4 127 190 138 420 270 280 235 190 8-22
125 5 140 200 164 460 380 420 270 220 8-18
150 6 140 210 175 555 380 420 300 250 8-26
200 8 152 230 200 760 400 425 375 320 12-30
250 10 165 250 243 830 400 425 450 385 12-33
300 12 178 270 250 895 450 560 515 450 16-33
350 14 190 290 280 950 450 560 580 510 16-36
400 16 216 310 305 1190 535 580 660 585 16-39
450 18 222 330 350 1255 535 580 685 610 20-39
500 20 229 350 380 1305 535 580 755 670 20-42







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