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X9 核酸提取儀

  • 公司名稱北京領宇科技有限公司
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  • 更新時間2022/10/11 13:35:32
  • 訪問次數281

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北京領宇科技有限公司是一家由多年生命科學儀器研發銷售管理人員創辦的一家科技型企業。企業主要從事分子生物學科學儀器以及相關試劑、微滴芯片產品的研制、開發、技術轉讓、聯合生產銷售工作。公司強大的技術團隊專注于前沿設備開發與技術創新,持續不斷地推進科研成果的產業轉化,從而實現國際新技術、新產品的國內自主研發與生產銷售。 公司擁有一批團結、務實、高效、具有很強開拓精神的集體,他們在對科技的理解和把握上,在市場開發、公司管理上,在產品研發、經營銷售、公共關系等方面具有高超的知識和豐富的經驗,他們的堅強確保了公司的長遠發展。 北京領宇,時刻關注客戶需求,以快速的響應,優質的產品和服務貢獻于醫學診斷、科學研究、生物檢測、個體化醫療、獨立實驗室、食品安全和檢驗檢疫等領域。面對未來的機遇與挑戰,領宇將以更開放的合作態度,與各界攜手,大力發展生物醫藥前沿設備及試劑,打造的科技型創新企業。現尋求合作伙伴,真誠的希望與您合作!
X9 核酸提取儀 產品信息

Auto-Pure Series Automatic Nucleic AcidExtraction and Purification System

The Auto-Pure seriesautomatic nucleic acid extraction and purification system adopts the transfermagnetic bead method. The special magnetic rod is used to absorb and transfermagnetic beads, which fully ensure the complete recovery and transfer ofmagnetic beads, and at the same time, the liquid residue is reduced to thelowest level, so as to improve the purity of samples and the sensitivity ofsubsequent detection. Researchers can easily, automatically and quickly extracthigh quality, high yield and high integrity nucleic acid samples from commonsamples such as blood, body fluids, animal and plant tissues, cultured cells,bacteria, etc., as well as complicated samples such as soil, hair, tracesamples detecting by pathology section by matching with Beijing Leadaeon'snucleic acid extraction reagents.

Working Principle

1. Lyse In thelysis buffer, the cells are ruptured and the nucleic acids are released intothe buffer.

2. Adsorb Addthe magnetic beads to the buffer to mix fully so that the nucleic acids can beabsorbed by the specific substances coated on the surface of the beads.

3. Clean Repeatedlyclean the surface of the magnetic beads to remove original impurities such asunwanted nucleic acids, proteins or salts, etc.

4. EluteTransferthe magnetic beads to the elution buffer to mix fully. The nucleic acid falloff from the surface of the magnetic beads and merge into the eluent.

5. Recover Removethe magnetic beads from the eluent buffer and recover the nucleic acidsolution.

Product Features

New configuration

Comprehensive feature Equippedwith a tablet computer, ultraviolet sterilamp and temperature control system.Make the operation easier, the experiments safer, the lysis more fully, theelution more thorough and the results more satisfactory.

Fully automatic

High throughput Nucleicacid extraction experiments are automated, and 48 samples can be processed atone time, and the processing speed of nucleic acids is 4-5 times that of asingle manual extraction.


Steady resultsThe instrumenthas multiple built-in standard nucleic acid extraction procedures, and it canalso be programmed according to the needs of the operator. Automaticstandardized operation ensures stable experimental results and avoids manualerrors.

Avoid pollution

Safer Intelligentoperating system, strictly control the pollution between wells, usingdisposable magnetic rod sleeves, 96 deep hole plates and ultraviolet sterilampsto avoid pollution between different batches, and the operator's risk exposureto hazardous reagents is greatly reduced.






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