產品細節:1753-L32BBBM-8A GuardPLC 1800控制器的特殊功能
1753-L32BBBM-8A是GuardPLC 1800系列的安全控制器,具有以下特殊功能:
- Modbus通信選項:用戶可以使用此通信協議與其他工業自動化設備交換信號值和其他數據。
- 高速計數器:該控制器具有2個(非電氣隔離)高速計數器,分辨率為24位。
- 故障處理:該設備將檢測其控制系統行為中的故障,并將故障模塊的所有受影響的輸入和輸出置于安全狀態。
- 強大的處理能力:采用的處理器技術,可以快速、準確地處理各種控制邏輯和算法,為用戶提供高效、穩定的控制解決方案。
總的來說,1753-L32BBBM-8A GuardPLC 1800控制器的特殊功能使其在各種工業自動化應用中表現出色,特別是在需要高速計數、通信和故障處理的應用中。
艾倫-布拉德利1753-L32BBBM-8A是GuardPLC 1800系列的安全控制器。該控制器是GuardPLC控制器中I/O點數最多的控制器。它配備了32個I/O點(24個輸入和8個輸出,沒有一個是電氣隔離的)。輸出通道4和8在60攝氏度時可以承受1安培的電流,其他通道的額定電流為0.5安培。1753-L32BBBM-8A控制器還具有2個24位分辨率的高速計數器(未電氣隔離)。安裝了250 KB用戶程序存儲器和250 KB應用程序數據存儲器,以支持微處理器進行故障處理。該設備將檢測其控制系統行為中的故障,并將故障模塊中所有受影響的輸入和輸出置于安全狀態。
1753-L32BBBM-8A GuardPLC 1800控制器的特殊功能是Modbus通信選項。通過使用該通信協議,用戶可以與其他工業自動化設備交換信號值和其他數據。Allen-Bradley 1753-L32BBBM-8A設計用于連接24伏DC/8安培電源。它裝在IP20防護外殼中運輸,外殼尺寸為114毫米(4.49英寸)x 257毫米(10.1英寸)x 80毫米(3.15英寸),包括屏蔽板。它的重量大約為2.6磅(1.2公斤)。請勿在0至60攝氏度(32至140華氏度)的溫度范圍外使用本設備。控制器通過了嚴格的測試,通過了CE、C-Tick和C-UL-美國標準認證。
The 1753-L32BBM-8A is a GuardPLC 1800 series safety controller with the following special features:
Modbus communication Option: Users can use this communication protocol to exchange signal values and other data with other industrial automation equipment.
High-speed counters: This controller has 2 (non-electrically isolated) high-speed counters with a resolution of 24 bits.
Troubleshooting: The device will detect faults in the behavior of its control system and place all affected inputs and outputs of the failed module in a safe state.
Powerful processing power: The use of advanced processor technology, can quickly and accurately process a variety of control logic and algorithms, to provide users with efficient and stable control solutions.
Overall, the special features of the 1753-L32BBM-8A GuardPLC 1800 controller make it excellent in a variety of industrial automation applications, especially those requiring high-speed counting, communication and fault handling.
The Allen-Bradley 1753-L32BBM-8A is a safety controller for the GuardPLC 1800 series. This controller has the highest number of I/O points among GuardPLC controllers. It is equipped with 32 I/O points (24 inputs and 8 outputs, none of which are electrically isolated). Output channels 4 and 8 can withstand a current of 1 amp at 60 degrees Celsius, while the other channels are rated for 0.5 amp. The 1753-L32BBM-8A controller also features 2 high-speed counters with 24-bit resolution (not electrically isolated). 250 KB of user program memory and 250 KB of application data memory were installed to support the microprocessor for troubleshooting. The device will detect faults in the behavior of its control system and place all affected inputs and outputs in the failed module in a safe state.
A special feature of the 1753-L32BBM-8A GuardPLC 1800 controller is the Modbus communication option. By using this communication protocol, users can exchange signal values and other data with other industrial automation equipment. The Allen-Bradley 1753-L32BBM-8A is designed to connect to a 24 volt DC/8 amp power supply. It is shipped in an IP20 protective housing that measures 114 mm (4.49 in) x 257 mm (10.1 in) x 80 mm (3.15 in), including the shield plate. It weighs about 2.6 pounds (1.2 kilograms). Do not use this device outside the temperature range of 0 to 60 degrees Celsius (32 to 140 degrees Fahrenheit). The controller has passed the rigorous testing and passed the CE, C-Tick and C-UL-USA standard certification.
推薦主營型號:1753-L32BBBM-8A GuardPLC 1800控制器的特殊功能
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