速度范圍 | 1 – 800kph |
精度 | +/- 0.1MPH |
在onES協議下,取zui近的整數 | |
在tnth協議下,取zui近的十分位。 | |
zui大測量距離 | 球類500英尺 |
汽車1.75英里 |
工作頻率 | 34.7GHz(Ka波段)+/- 50MHz |
偏振方式 | 圓形偏振 |
3分貝帶寬 | 標準12°(+/-1°) |
微波發射源 | 耿氏效應二極管 |
接收類型 | 肖特基二極管混頻器 |
輸出功率 | zui小10毫瓦 |
標準15毫瓦 | |
zui大25毫瓦 | |
產品型號 | 固定多普勒雷達 |
計算機處理器 | 數字信號處理器 |
顯示方式 | 背光液晶顯示 |
工作溫度 | -30℃——70℃ |
存放溫度 | -40℃——85℃ |
帶電池手柄 | 7.4V直流電 3.7A 鋰電池 |
帶電纜手柄 | 發射時——0.81安培 |
待機時——0.30安培 | |
休眠模式下——0.07安培 |
帶電池手柄 | 2.15磅 |
外形尺寸 | 7.35”(高)×2.83”(寬)×7.9”(長) |
外殼材料 | 鎂鋁合金 |
High Performance Sports Radar Gun
The versatile new Stalker Pro II is the first sports radar capable of measuring the speed of supersonic objects. The Pro II quickly and accuray measures the speed of anything moving through the air, over land, or on the water. The one sports radar that does it all!
Baseball Mode - 500 FOOT RANGE!
The bi-directional Pro II measures the peak (release) speed and plate (roll-down) speed of a baseball pitch, as well as the speed of a batted ball traveling in the opposite direction. All three speeds display at the same time.
Vehicle Mode:
Clock vehicles on land or water up to two miles away. The Stalker Pro II filters out other vehicles moving in the opposite direction of interest.
Carnival Mode:
The Pro II attaches to the side of a backdrop and measure the speed of midway game balls thrown from only a few feet away.
Tennis Mode:
Track balls on any side of the court, as the Pro IIs wide beam width measures both the balls peak (serve) speed as well as the decelerating live speed.
Speed Range | 1 - 890 MPH |
Accuracy | +/- 0.1 MPH In ones resolution, round to the nearest integer; In tenth resolution, round to nearest tenth. |
Max. Clocking Distances | 500 Feet for baseballs 1 3/4 Miles for an average auto |
Transmit Time: | 2 - 1/2 hours per charge |
Units of Measurement: | MPH, KM/h, knots, M/S |
Resolution: | Tenths and Ones - user selectable |
Radar beam: | 12-degree |
Acquisition Time: | 10 msec |
Transmitter Power: | 10 mw |
Communication: | RS-232 communication with RS-485 available on special order, 1200 to 38.4K baud |
High Speed Cutoff | 150 mph and 300 mph |
- 1-890 mph speed range
- Waterproof to 2 feet of water
- Removable, rechargeable 7.2-volt, 2400 maHr lithium-ion battery handle
- Optional , rechargeable 7.2-volt, 3800 maHr lithium-ion battery handle
- Constant transmit time of 2 hours per charge
- Measures MPH, KM/H, knots, M/S
- Resolution: Tenths and Ones user selectable
- Ka-Band Doppler Radar
- 2 active speed windows; 5-digit status window; separate peak window
- Back lit LCD display and keypad
- Press trigger to transmit (or Press Transmit / Press Hold) user selectable
- Includes 120 VAC wall adapter
- Optional 12 VDC Cigarette Plug Cable
- 12-degree radar beam
- 10 msec acquisition time
- 10 mw transmitter power
- RS-232 communication with RS-485 available on special order
- 1200 to 38.4K baud
- High Speed Cutoff 150 mph and 300 mph
- Recall Previous Display: 10 previous
- Stopwatch Function (requires optional stopwatch cable): basic, lap timer, split timer