污水處理設備 污泥處理設備 水處理過濾器 軟化水設備/除鹽設備 純凈水設備 消毒設備|加藥設備 供水/儲水/集水/排水/輔助 水處理膜 過濾器濾芯 水處理濾料 水處理劑 水處理填料 其它水處理設備
四川鵬天科技發展有限公司成立于2001年,位于成都市青羊總部經濟區,是一家集自主研發、生產和服務于-體的。公司骨干技術人員從1997年起開始研究智慧照明技術,經過20多年的持續不斷探索和實踐,目前形成了以基于物聯網和GIS地理信息系統的城市智慧照明集中管控和單燈監控系統、建筑照明智能化集中管控及能耗監測系統、智慧環衛綜合信息管理平臺、高速公路配電設施電纜防盜報警系統、高速公路隧道照明智能化管控系統等產品體系,并具有的自主知識產權和核心技術。公司的產品已經銷往全國15個省市,獲得用戶的廣泛贊譽。在“新基建"智慧城市建設的浪潮中,公司將依托自身研發優勢,不斷開發新產品,為智慧城市的建設提供優質的配套產品和整體解決方案。Sichuan pengtian Technology Development Co.. Ltd. Founded in 2001.Located in Qingyang Headquarters Economic Zone of Chengdu, It is a national high-tech enterprise integrating independent research and deve lopment. production and service.The company's key technical personnel began to study inte lligent lighting technology since 1997. Aftermore than 20 years of continuous exploration and practice. the city intel ligent | ighting centralizedmanagement and control system and single lamp monitoring system based on the Internet of things and GISgeographic information system. the building lighting intelligent centralized management and control andenergy consumption monitor ing system. inte lligent environmental sanitat ion integrated informat ion managementplatform, the highway power distribution facilities cable anti-theft alarm system. high-speed public Roadtunnel lighting intelligent control system and other product systems. and has full independent inte llectua Iproperty rights and core technology. The company's products have been sold to 15 provinces and cities acrossthe country and won wide praise from users.In the tide of "new infrastructure" smart city construction. the company will rely on its ownR & Dadvantages to continuously develop new products and provide high-quality supporting products and overallsolutions for the construction of smart city.企業精神:團結、進取、求實、 創新企業作風:敢為天下先企業使命:為客戶創造價值、為員工創造機會、為企業創造利潤、為社會創造財富經營宗旨:以解決客戶之憂為己任、以消費者滿意為宗旨經營方針:誠實經營、誠信經營管理方針:管理無小事、管理出效益用人機制:以事業吸引人、以文化塑造人、以機制激勵人、以待遇回報人用人標準:踏踏實實做人、認認真真做事市場理念:市場無情,營銷有道開發理念:立足市場,追求創新服務理念:客戶永遠是對的服務標準:盡善盡美零煩惱
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環保在線 設計制作,未經允許翻錄必究 .? ? ?